Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Journal 4

Just like I expected while at the beach with his family, Chief Brody witnesses it first hand as a young boy was attacked and killed in the shores of Amity beach where his sons were also swimming. Once it was official and the town was at a panic, the mother of the young boy eaten placed a bounty on the shark which turned the town into a big shark hunt. This also is right around the time where "Quint" the shark hunter is introduced and demands a higher pay for killing the monster. With his offer kept in mind Brody then brought in another charecter "Matt Hooper" a Marine Biologist and shark expert to study the remains found from the first victim and was convinced it was done by a giant shark. Now with almost the entire town on a giant shark hunt for the fish that killed the young boy, it seems now that the number one thing on Chief Brody's mind who feels somewhat responsible for the death is to find and kill the shark.

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