Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Journal 9

After a long night of battling with Jaws and successfully attaching a tracker to it (Quint harpooned a barrel to Jaws), Hooper, Quint and Cheif Brody settled down for a little relax time as they shared stories and scars while also having from the impression I got, a few beers too. Quint told of how he was in the World War and how survived when his ship was sunk which is something I didn't really get because that would make him alot older than he seemed in both the movie and book. anyways as night went on it seemed that the three began to drink more and more which cauused them to get louder and louder before breaking into a song. Which soon led to the wrong kind of attetion as the shark suprising attacked the boat leaving it to slowly fill with water. Once morning came and the three just finished repairing the boat, all of a sudden the barrel Quint harpooned to Jaws poped out of the water and now Brody is starting to get uneasy and nervous.

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