Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Journal 5

Not long after the big shark hunt started a local fisherman brought in what he believed was the shark as did Brody, with the town in relief a not so convinced Hooper (shark expert) measured the mouth to find the radious to be much smaller than what was measured on the first victims body. Hooper although seems more professional in the book rather than in the movie, he still seems more stuck up and selfish than in the movie which I didn't really like. Wanting to know for sure, Brody and Hooper later sneek back to the dock to cut open the so called human killing shark to find nothing but fish and garbagein its stomach. Now convinced the shark still roams the area both men are getting ready to take Hooper's boat out to see if they can possibly find anything. One thing that I never saw coming was Hooper and Brody's wife having a secret relationship, if Brody ends up finding out it could possibly change the situation completly.

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